
The Charter of Values for Suez Cement Group of Companies states the basic principles underlying the Company’s governance model. It forms the basis for corporate development through merging the company’s ethical policies with the personal ethics of individual employees.
The Charter of Values does not replace or contradict those previously approved by Italcementi Group and currently in effect. Rather, it reaffirms the principles contained in these codes and seeks to incorporate the commitments made by the employees at SCGC. The Charter is designed to guide staff in managing their relationships with  clients, institutions and public administrations, competitors, shareholders, suppliers, markets and non-governmental organizations. . The Charter of Values is circulated among all employees who are expected to maintain an active role in its implementation, integration or revision. The Charter of Values respects the following principles:

  • Honesty, fairness, integrity, transparency and mutual respect in managing the company and its relations with stakeholders and markets;
  • Dialogue and openness to community needs in order to create value and widespread opportunities;
  • Protection of individuals by valuing diversity and cultural identity, professional growth and safety at work;
  • Safeguarding the environment by pursuing the harmonious integration of each industrial plant with its landscape and developing innovative technologies to save natural resources and use renewable energy sources;
  • Promoting innovation aimed at industrial growth and sustainable development.

Ahmed Morshedy

Investor Relations Manager

Heidelberg Materials - Suez Cement S.A.E Email:
Tel. 0020225222377
2691 Cairo